Funeral Insurance

Group Funeral Benefit

Group Funeral Benefit is a life insurance cover offered to companies as an employee benefit or other affinity groups. This plan makes it possible for large and smaller businesses to provide risk cover to their employees and meet the expectation that they will assist remaining family members with the costs of an employee’s funeral.

Benefits to Employer:

It pays a lump sum amount to your employee’s beneficiaries if they pass away;
This benefit provides essential financial protection for their families and beneficiaries in their time of need;
Funeral benefits are paid within 48 hours, after all necessary documents and information have been received.

Benefits to Employee:

It provides a lump sum benefit payable upon the death of the employee (main member), spouse, and/or children (up to 6).

Requirements to Quote

Name of the company;
Business Activity:
Individual data (Employee name; Date of Birth and Gender).

Insurance Policy

A document containing the conditions of the insurance agreement agreed by the parties and including the general, special and particular conditions.

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